Essential Apparatus Limited | Medical Equipment Suppliers in Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania
Hospital furnitures | Medical Equipments Suppliers | Waste Incinerators (Medical & General) in Kenya
We offer a full range of products that are essential to todays business enviroment from hospital and office supplies to information equipment . Our goal is to use our networks to give our customers high quality.
Essential Apparatus Limited is a well-established company with a team of highly qualified, skilled and determined professionals, to set an outstanding trend in supplying hospital and laboratory equipment, furniture, rapid diagnostics, dental, surgical instruments and general medical supplies.
Essential Apparatus has made a niche in supply of equipments including Medical and General Waste Incinerators in the east Africa region. We have well experienced and qualified personnel to offer support for our equipments. We offer after sale service and a warranty of NOT less than 12 Months. Our equipment has a life span of over 15years. All spares required for the equipment are readily available here in Kenya.

Waste Management : General waste incinerators | Medical waste incinerators in Kenya, East Africa & Beyond
“We manufacture, install and commission waste incinerators. We also service and maintain our incinerators and provide consultancy services to Consulting Engineers, Mines, Abattoirs and Hospitals, giving full details on the incinerator required and the price.
Essential Apparatus Ltd are Manufacturers of high quality incinerators in Kenya and Eastern Africa. We are based in Nairobi, Kenya and offer incinerators for sale in Kenya. Our Twinblaze Incinerator Brands are NEMA approved incinerators. We offer a range of incinerators for sale in Africa from small capacity 20Kgs per Hour to high capacity incinerators that destroy 200Kgs per Hour waste. We have supplied to various hospital Biomedical waste incinerator in Kenya.
“Whether it be for general waste disposal or the safe destruction of hazardous or controlled wastes, the incineration process is still widely used and in many cases is the best option available. Industrial waste, large scale refuse projects and waste oil could be used to power our range of incinerators built with energy recovery in mind.”